حرباء البحر المتوسط Mediterranean Chameleon


يبلغ حجم الكبار من حرباء البحر المتوسط حوالي 20 سم وهي قليلة العدد والإنتشار ومهددة على المستوى العالمي والمحلي. تعيش على الأشجار على إرتفاع من 0 الى 1000 متر فوق سطح البحر حيث تصطاد الحشرات بلسانها الطويل واللاقط.
في النهار تظهر عادة في المواسم الحارة.

The average length of the common chameleon is 20–40 cm (8–16 inches), with females often being substantially larger than males. The colour of the common chameleon is variable, between yellow/brown through green to a dark brown. Whatever the background colour is, the common chameleon will have two light coloured lines along its side. It has a small beard of scales and some small hard scales on the top of its back. Many assume the color changes undergone by the chameleon are a result of its attempting to camouflage itself, when in reality the chameleon changes its color as a response to light and temperature stimuli and as an expression of its emotions (like chameleon body language). Often when caught for analysis, the chameleon may turn a dark color. Their colors are also important for intraspecies communication, especially during the mating season.

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